Praise God for an incredible February filled with His grace, provision, and salvation! From the streets of Portland to the highways and byways of Eugene and Salem, God moved powerfully through faithful laborers sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many neighbors surrendered their lives to Christ, receiving salvation by grace through faith in His death, burial, and resurrection. The ministry provided cold-weather sleeping bags, household essentials for those transitioning off the streets, and warm fellowship over coffee and hot chocolate. Baptisms, evangelism training, and outreach efforts continued as brothers and sisters stepped boldly into the Great Commission. Whether in city centers, near the tracks, or in church buildings, the call remained the same: proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples. Every moment was for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 1st: Praise God! Today family from Calvary Chapel Portland, Salem Heights Church, Calvary Chapel Salem, Solid Rock Community Church, and CityTeam Portland hit the streets of Portland to do the work of evangelists! Multiple folks were saved today by grace through faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone for salvation and the forgiveness of their sins. These were connected directly to the local Body of Christ. Many cold weather sleeping bags went to those in need and some warm coffee and hot chocolate for lots of neighbors. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 5th: Praise God! What a blessing to help provide many household items for 20 neighbors in need who have come off the streets and are in the LEAD program in Eugene. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 8th: Praise God! Today putting feet to the byways with our feet shod with the Gospel of peace which is the Gospel of the one and only Jesus Christ the Son of God. Family from Calvary Chapel Salem, Jefferson Baptist Church, Salem Heights Church, Reid Saunders Association , Adult and Teen Challenge, Church on The Hill, Solid Rock Community Church, Life Bible, Gateway Foursquare Church, Grace and Truth Ministries, and family from Portland and other surrounding. We all co-labored in pursuit of the fulfillment of the great commission. Neighbors were saved today by grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. All for God's glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
The great commission
Matthew 28 verse 18 Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of[e] all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
February 9th: Praise God! Thank You God for this moment at my home church Salem Heights this morning. Please keep our brothers Domingo, Pepper, and Nehemiah in prayer. They are evangelists currently going through Reid Saunders Associations evangelism equipping training. God is using them to reach the world. All for His glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!

February 13th: Praise God! Thank You God for these moments with Denise and Hunter today. We did a little bit of a longer show today on the KYKN radio. It was a blessing to be with them both today. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!!

February 16th: Praise God! What an awesome blessing to baptize my dear brother John Bravo this morning at our home church Salem Heights. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!

February 18th: Praise God! Putting our feet which are shod with the Gospel of peace to the byways today. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 20th: Praise God! A couple brothers and I sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors near the tracks and on the concrete in the cities, highways, and byways. I used to walk this set and other sets of tracks when I was homeless in salem looking for coyote skulls. What we’re about now is way different than what we used to be about. Staying Holy Spirit led through surrender, submission, and obedience to Him and His Word. All for His glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 23th: Praise God! Yesterday Ray, Debi, Mike, and Ken led the outreach in Eugene and it was a day filled with good fruit and thankfulness to be branches connected to the Vine. Loving God and our neighbors. Everyday is a great commission day. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!
February 25th: Praise God! Thank You God for this time with my brother Mark Hunter from the UGM of Salem this morning. Two men/brothers meeting up In the center of a city not at peace this morning with our feet shod with the Gospel of peace. Everyday is a great commission day. Stay Holy Spirit led family. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!